
Commanding Officer, 3d Marine Littoral Regiment
Colonel John G. Lehane

A native of West Hempstead NY, Colonel Lehane graduated from the NY State Maritime College in 1996 as a 3rd Mate in the U.S. Merchant Marine, and accepted a Marine Corps commission in July of the same year.

Colonel Lehane’s Fleet Marine Force assignments include Forward Observer, 3d Battalion 12th Marines 1997-1998; Howitzer Platoon Commander, Battery Fire Direction Officer, Liaison Officer to 3/4 and Battery Executive Officer, 3d Battalion 11th Marines 1998-2000; Assistant Battalion Operations Officer, Battery Commander, Battalion Operations Officer and Battalion Executive Officer, 3d Battalion 11th Marines from 2003-2006; Korea Plans Officer, III Marine Expeditionary Force 2010-2013; Operations Officer 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit 2013-2014; and Inspector-Instructor / Site Commander 2d Battalion 14th Marines 2014-2016.

Colonel Lehane has deployed and participated in operations including IRAQI FREEDOM, TOMODACHI / PACIFIC PASSAGE, and DAMAYAN.  During MEU deployments he served aboard USS JUNEAU (LPD-10), USS BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD-6), USS GERMANTOWN (LSD-42), and USS DENVER (LPD-9)

Colonel Lehane’s staff, training and joint assignments include Operations Officer and Executive Officer, Marine Corps Jungle Warfare Training Center; Series and Company Commander, 3d Recruit Training Battalion, MCRD San Diego; Aide de Camp to Commanding General of the MCRD San Diego / Western Recruiting Region; Instructor and Ground Combat Department Head, Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron 1; Republic of Korea-US Combined Forces Command C5 Plans Officer; and U.S. Forces Korea J5 Plans Officer.

Colonel Lehane’s most recent assignment was aboard USS BLUE RIDGE (LCC-19) as the Fleet Marine Officer, Assistant Chief of Staff N-5, and Maritime Operations Center Director for the U.S. SEVENTH Fleet 2019-2023. 

Colonel Lehane is a graduate of the United States Army Field Artillery Officer’s Basic Course, Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School (Non-Resident), Marine Corps Command and Staff College (Non-Resident), the Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) Course, the Operations and Tactics Instructor (OTI) Course, the School of Advanced Warfighting (SAW), the Expeditionary Logistics Instructor (ELI) Course, the Marine Corps University Strategy and Policy Course, and the Martial Arts Instructor (MAI) Course.  He is a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Army War College, and is a Joint Qualified Officer.

Colonel Lehane’s personal decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Service Medal with three gold stars in lieu of fourth award, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars in lieu of third award, the Joint Service Achievement Medal with bronze oak leaf cluster in lieu of second award, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and the Japan Defense Cooperation Medal (Second Class). 

3d Marine Littoral Regiment